MadeMe by Erin Magee Interview @ SlamXHype

MadeMe by Erin Magee Interview @ SlamXHype

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 by Wendy Lam

MadeMe by Erin Magee Interview @ SlamXHype

I first introduced MadeMe on my blog about a week ago, if you liked the pieces and want to learn more about the creator, Erin Magee, then you must read the interview Slam did with her. I’ve always been intrigued to look into the world of a designer, it takes a lot to create dope designs and I respect those that make it. That grey hoodie is quite cute eh?

Where did the name and concept come from?

EM- I turned 27 and got really bored. Music bored me, fashion bored me, what I was seeing in the streets bored me, professionally I was bored, personally I was bored. I felt really disappointed by what was going on in our culture. That’s where the broken heart logo came from. That’s also where the Paris is Burning Tee came from.

I know every creative person says this, but I decided to create during the sadest, lowest part of my life. I wasn’t inspired by what anyone was doing, so I decided to show the world what MadeMe. Everything that I make and will make comes directly from me, what I like, who I am, how I see the world, what I think women need. I spent my whole professional career working with menswear, and just needed to expresses myself in my own way.

> MadeMe by Erin Magee Interview at SlamXHype


Categories: streetwear


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