Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Tuesday, December 27, 2011 by Wendy Lam

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city
Francis Montesigros, most famous designer in Valencia. He was born in Valencia.

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city


Palace Fesol
C/ Hernán Cortés, 7
46004 Valencia
Tel.: +34 963 529 323

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city
huge Valencian Paella for the group lunch next to us…cray!

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

Valencia 2011 Day 2 – Tour of the city

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