Magenta (top) and Pink (bottom)
While I was at The Foundation last week, Jarah walked me through the new Incase products and I felt like a child at the candy store. Their Neoprene Sleeves are seriously the BEST, I’m currently using the black one. The new 13″ MacBook Neoprene Sleeves are available in new exciting colorways: magenta, pink, green and olive. They’re so hot, I’m lusting over a magenta one- so bright and girlie! For the MacBook Air users there’s also Neoprene Sleeves available in black and plum, which is a slipon case. The 13″ MacBook in black is notoriously famous for oily residues on the cover but with the Hardshell Case it can protect it from becoming “fingerprinted”- those are so dope as well, love the purple one! And of course the hot hot hot KRINK Sleeve, simply irresistable.
More pics after the jump…
13″ KRINK Sleeve – super hot!
Categories: gadgets jewelry/accessories