Besides selling the four limited edition nail colors to mark the opening of the new Chanel Robertson Blvd boutique, Chanel also released three exclusive silver pieces available at that location only. During my visit to the store last month, I’ve seen the metallic silver Timeless Classic Handbags and the flats, they’re gorgeous but the price is very steep! There are two sizes for the bag, the small for $2,495 and the large for $2,850 and the flats go for $595 – all the sales were wearing a pair! If you got the loot and want to splurge but not located in LA, no worries they accept phone orders call 800.550.0005 to order. via Purse Blog
More pics after the jump…
CHANEL Timeless Classic Handbag, Metallic calfskin/metal $2,495
CHANEL Timeless Classic Handbag, Metallic calfskin/metal $2,850
CHANEL ballet flat, Metallic caflskin $595