Prada celebrated this season with a series of diverse interventions featuring the work of renowned fashion illustrator, Richard Haines. The project combines hand-made artistry and cutting edge technology, across both physical and virtual worlds. The virtual Palazzo is also the platform that Prada use to launch new limited edition of printed T-shirts featuring Haines’ artworks. T-shirts will be available exclusively at Prada stores in Milano, New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong and Tokyo.
Il Palazzo, a multi-platform project by Prada featuring the autumn/winter 2012 collection. In the first stage, Prada produced some rare books sketched by Haines in editions of one. These unique rare books feature Haines’s original illustrations of the Prada autumn/winter 2012 menswear collection drawn over the existing print, layering genres and eras to create random meanings and associations.
All the tees after the jump…
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