Prada Camouflage Visual Display at Soho Store

Prada Camouflage Visual Display at Soho Store

Friday, July 30, 2010 by Wendy Lam

Prada Camouflage Visual Display at Soho Store

Prada‘s Soho store on Broadway is pretty amazing, if you’ve been there you’ll know what I”m talking about. The space is humongous and the most amazing thing is there’s always a really nice visual display showcased on the open space staircase. The latest visual display was based around the camouflage trend which means pre-fall is here. The display will be taken down this weekend so if you get a chance swing by and take a peek, and check out Prada’s pre-fall collection.

Prada Camouflage Visual Display at Soho Store


Categories: fashion


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