New comment on your post #3262 “Outfit 07.24.2007 ~ Daddy’s Dinner”
Author : Daniela (IP:,
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I’m just cheking your blog and it’s so crazy you have so many different cool things. But the truth is that you’re so fat and ugly that nothing is flattering. And no matter what you wear, anything look cheap and gross. life is sad.
p.s. those nike shoes are horrible
New comment on your post #3272 “Midori Matsu – 07.04.2007”
Author : viv (IP:,
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why are you such a fob lol get some grammar lessons. stop buying ugly clothes from h&m. h&m doesn’t like you
So…look what I have to deal with from time to time? Hahah I find it very amusing to get hate mails and comments, I honestly don’t get bothered by these people…I actually quite enjoy reading them. Just would like to share with you guys what nonsense I get from these no life haters. If I was to hate on someone, I wouldn’t even bother checking their ish.
This one chick, “viv” has sent me several hate comments criticizing and hatin’ on me but when I write back to her she never responds, perhaps she’s worried to even let me know who she really is and most likely the email address is fake too. I’ve tried both these haters and no one responds, Daniela’s email just bounces back.
Anyways, I want to dedicate this post to them and all other nitro:licious haters…I really really want to thank you guys for taking the time out to come hate on my blog and bring more hits and impressions so I can make more money! THANK YOU! Please keep coming back and hate, I appreciate your support.
P.S. viv, this is my personal blog…I can write however the f*ck I wanna, I ain’t writing for the New York Times. Daniela, I’d like to see how pretty you are, I’m sure you are since you’re calling people fat and ugly. My life is very exciting seems like your life is sad b/c you’re actually “wasting” your time leaving a hate comment when you can do something to improve yourself. Hahahahah…
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