H&M Luv #74 – 06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74 – 06.26.2007

Monday, July 9, 2007 by Wendy Lam

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007
Location: H&M 51st Street / 5th Ave | Shopping Date: 06.26.2007

I’ve seriously been cutting down in buying too much from H&M…well rather buying too much in general. My closet is overflowing and stuff is all over the place, the worst is that most of the stuff I bought are still either in bags or tagged haha. The only thing I bought on June 26th was a pair of gloves, it was too cute to resist the others are just my picks…peep the pics after the jump…

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007

H&M Luv #74   06.26.2007


Categories: h&m shopping


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