Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies

Friday, March 16, 2007 by Wendy Lam

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies who doesn’t know about them? Well…ummm ME! I never knew or ate Girl Scout Cookies till last month haha, my co-worker was like try this…I always thought the cookies were baked and sold (not packaged) by lil girls! Wow, I felt like a child having my first piece of candy LOL! But the cookies are DAMN good and they’re cheap too, only $3.50/pk. My co-worker gave me three packs and I bought a pack myself, can you guess my favorite? What’s your favorite? Apparently, eBay also made a business out of this…what don’t they sell right? For the answer, peep below…

Girl Scout Cookies
SAMOAS…OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG sooooooooooo GOOD! I can’t get enuff!


Categories: eats


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