white out…

white out…

Wednesday, January 27, 2016by Wendy Lam

white out...

Being a New Yorker I have a love and hate relationship with snow. When there’s a snowstorm the city is a hot mess but on the other hand the snow is so pretty on the day of!

This past Saturday winter storm Jonas hit us hard and we got at least 2 feet of snow. But the best thing that came out of it is when it’s snowing it’s beautiful out and since the mayor put out a ban for cars after 2:30pm, the roads were empty. You’ll never see NYC streets empty, this was the best chance to have a photo shoot. I took advantage and went out to play and shoot. I felt like a yeti playing in the snow, it was an amazing feeling seeing the empty streets and roads. Beautiful!

After day one, the city becomes a mess with piles of snow and cars being buried in. I had had my fun while it lasted! Hope there’s no more snowstorms this year ha!

white out...

white out...

white out...

white out...

white out...

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