a few months ago…

a few months ago…

Wednesday, December 30, 2015by Wendy Lam

a few months ago...

Just went through my photo archives on my SD card and found lots of photos that haven’t been posted yet. I’m slacking in personal posts but hope to do better in 2016. I still have a lot of catching up to do but these photos were taken a few months ago when I still had my ombré hair. Seems like these photos could of been taking this month as well since it’s still not extremely cold yet. And speaking of weather, just remembered I need to edit my Philippines trip photos! I need an extra pair of hands lol!

What are you guys up to for New Year’s Eve? I’m still deciding…

a few months ago...

a few months ago...

a few months ago...

a few months ago...

a few months ago...

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