H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop-Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop-Up Shop Event

Thursday, December 15, 2011 by Wendy Lam

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

On Monday I stopped by the opening event of the H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop-Up Shop to meet Trish Summerville and pre-shop the collection. I love the collection, I left with a handful of stuff and was so happy to meet Trish, she’s super stylin’! If you haven’t stopped by the pop-up shop in NYC (open till December 16th), you must, really cool shop (deets here). Can’t wait to rock out all my new gear from the collection, obsessed!

outfit: h&m ombre faux fur jacket (still love it), h&m divided exclusive lace cardigan + suede skirt, h&m tank top + tights, dolce vita sali platform sandal (courtesy of dv), nOir jewelry x pirates of the caribbean siren tail wrap bracelet

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event
Trish Summerville and me

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event
Chatting with Trish about the collection…

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event
Trish Summerville, me and Jennifer Ward (H&M)

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event
Pansy Tolou (H&M) and me

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event

H&M Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Pop Up Shop Event



Categories: entertainment/events fashion h&m outfits shoes shopping


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