How many of you guys get your teeth whitened at your dentist’s office? And who buys those whitening strips at the local pharmacy? I haven’t tried neither but I’ve been wanting to whiten my teeth for a minute now. B got his whitened at the dentist and said there’s quite a bit of sensitivity, not sure I can deal with that. While browsing this morning I’ve came across the GLO Brilliant Personal Teeth Whitening Device and it looks easy and promising. According to the description it says, “up to eight shade changes-with an average of five shades in five days with no sensitivity.” Have anyone tried it? Seems really easy, thinking about getting it but I’m afraid I’ll be lazy even if it’s only 8-minutes each use. The price is $275 which is not that bad. What’s your thoughts? Check out the video demonstration after the jump…
- $59.95 BUY IT NOW 1hr 17mins
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Categories: beauty