It’s been a super busy Monday, haven’t had a chance to sit down and blog so please bear with me. I hate Mondays haha, it’s so tough coming back from the weekend.
Anyway, yesterday the Liberty of London for Target collection launched online but the launch time seemed to have been screwed up by day light savings time (at least for EST). By the time the collection launched some of the home stuff were already sold out and seems like chairs weren’t even available online yet. So yesterday when I got up I went by to the Target at Brooklyn Junction and 99% of the home stuff were wiped out already, most of the shelves were empty and didn’t look like they were going to restock. Not much people were looking at the apparel and the bags weren’t even put out yet because the sales said she was “too busy”, she said she would put it out today (most likely sold out by this time).
I just wished that Target put the entire collection in one area instead of throughout the store, it would be a lot easier to shop. Also, Target seems to have put out the collection earlier than the official release date in select stores which is not cool for people that do shop on the official release date! It really causes problems when they put out the stuff early and people don’t know, it has been going on for several collections already. And on top of that some of the items weren’t even available (not sold out) on the official release date. Hopefully they can get the dates right the next time. Wasted a trip there since I left empty handed.
Did you shop the collection? What did you get?
Categories: fashion home decor shopping target