Introducing ??? Kary’s Blog on nitro:licious!

Introducing ??? Kary’s Blog on nitro:licious!

Monday, November 16, 2009 by Wendy Lam


My team have been working hard on the nitro:licious v2 redesign these past few months and also expansion of our blogs section, I’m very happy with the results so far. I’ve also finally decided to have other blogs on nitro:licious and extended my first offer to my girl ??? Kary Ng. Some of you may have notice a banner linking to Kary’s blog already but if you haven’t checked out her blog, please do so.

Kary is a recording artist in Hong Kong and this is her first fashion blog to chronicle her outfits, what she buys, events she attends, photo shoots and anything else interesting. As Kary says, “I’m a big fan of music+fashion+photography and wanted to take this opportunity to share with all of you some of my personal style.” Thanks Kary! Be sure to check out her blog!

> ??? Kary’s Blog

Kary rockin’ a H&M Divided Exclusive Dress with Christian Louboutin Booties to an event.


Categories: celebrities fashion hong kong links/sites


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