Leave it to the 30 Rhode Island School of Design students to create a new classic spring cardigan for Gap, “Gap creative director Patrick Robinson gave the students only one instruction: to use their imagination.” The results, 30 one-off deconstructed and reworked garments for sale at $68 each starting this Friday at Gap’s rotating concept space adjacent to its Fifth Avenue and 54th Street flagship. The students went all out using beaded pearls, embroidery, appliqués, slicing, shredding, burning, sewing sweaters together to make dresses and skirts, bleaching to writing Italian poems all over the sweater. Sales are declining everywhere, every little gimmick to get consumers in the door helps, keeping it fresh is key and that is why Robinson chose to work with college students. Students have no fear especially if they’re not restricted, interesting idea. via WWD
Categories: art/design fashion