YSL Tote, Heart Shaped USB Key & Manifesto on eBay

YSL Tote, Heart Shaped USB Key & Manifesto on eBay

Friday, February 20, 2009 by Wendy Lam

YSL Tote, Heart Shaped USB Key & Manifesto on eBay

For those of you that didn’t get the Spring/Summer ’09 YSL Tote, Heart Shaped USB Key and Manifesto for free there’s a bunch up on eBay. Prices aren’t that insane, but of course there’s some that are priced super high which potentially wouldn’t sell. Try your luck if you desperately need one, I’ve been toting mine around with my heels in it during New York Fashion Week its super cute!

Check out the eBay listings after the jump…


Categories: gadgets handbags shopping


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