A while back we showed you some Footlocker Unlocked photos of the above sneakers, a Nike Air Force 1 High that was destined to be in women’s sizes. They are now finally widely available, and with that we have some much better pictures for your enjoyment. As you can see, the shoe features a black, high quality nylon throughout the entire upper, with a black, leather swoosh and ankle strap as accents. All this is bottomed off by a purple sole with a black bottoms. Definitely a nice release, and if you can find the right women’s size, it’s not a bad look for guys either. The official release date for these is November 29th, but they should be available now at most Nike retailers including Nike Sportswear in NYC.
Style #: 334031-002
Colors: Black/Anthracite-Varsity Purple
Price: $100
More photos below…
Categories: kicks