MAC Cosmetics has yet another limited edition collection to be released in collaboration with Dame Edna Everage, a character played by Australian comedian Barry Humphries. According to WWD, “the line’s outer packaging is lavender — to match Dame Edna’s hair — and adorned with glittery red glasses, another Dame Edna trademark. Shade names — such as Coral Polyp and Varicose Violet (“my mother has varicosity, and thus inspired the color,” cracked the comedian) — follow Dame Edna’s outrageousness.”
“The collection includes three lipsticks, each $14; three Lipglass shades, each $14; two eye shadow trios, each $32.50; Hi-Light Powder, $26, and two shades of nail polish, each $11. All products will be on counter on Dec. 26 in the U.S. and January in international doors. In the U.S., it will be available in about 500 department stores and MAC’s 150 freestanding retail stores.”
Interesting, kinda cute actually!
Bigger pic after the jump…
Categories: beauty