I [Heart] Ronson by Charlotte Ronson for J.C. Penney

I [Heart] Ronson by Charlotte Ronson for J.C. Penney

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 by Wendy Lam


Following the Play by C. Ronson for Urban Outfitters collaboration, Charlotte Ronson has inked a long-term deal with J.C. Penney “to design a full contemporary sportswear collection called I [Heart] Ronson, hitting 600 of Penney’s 1,093 stores for spring selling. The line will also be available on jcp.com and in Penney’s catalogues.” The first delivery drops in February, offering “a range of casual and dressy styles from cotton T-shirts and tanks, cotton sweaters and cardigans, a cotton canvas army jacket, leggings, denim jeans and printed polyester and cotton voile dresses. Ronson created a color palette inspired by her higher-end line, including gray, navy, olive green and pink.” The line is targeted towards the 21 to 35-year-old woman with prices ranging from “$15 for layering T-shirts and tanks to $26 to $44 for blouses, sweaters and jeans to $40 to $65 for dresses and jackets.” In the future Ronson hopes to branch out the I [Heart0 Ronson line with shoes and other accessories, with the poor economy right now I’m sure everyone appreciates the diffusion line with a cheaper price tag. I look forward to see the full collection.

One more pic after the jump…



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