The FEED 100 Bag – Available at Whole Foods Nation-Wide

The FEED 100 Bag – Available at Whole Foods Nation-Wide

Friday, May 2, 2008 by Wendy Lam

Photography: Whole Foods

The FEED Bag by Lauren Bush launch has kicked-off a few nights ago at the Whole Foods Bowery location, featuring a whole need look and a price slash of $29.99 versus the original $59.99. The newest FEED Bag, the FEED 100 Bag started to go on sale yesterday and is available exclusively at all Whole Foods in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

According to the Whole Foods press release, “Each bag purchased for $29.99 will help provide 100 nutritious meals to hungry school age children in Rwanda through the United Nation World Food Program’s (WFP) School Feeding Program.” The FEED 100 Bag is constructed of “organic cotton and natural burlap and is produced with a commitment to ensuring fair treatment of workers, livable wages, paid overtime and safe and clean working environments. It is a lightweight, fresh white tote that collapses easily into its base, which is a zippered rectangular burlap pouch emblazoned with the FEED logo and the number 100.” Next time I step into Whole Foods, I’ll check out this reusable bag.

One more pic after the jump…

When the FEED 100 Bag is collapsed into a burlap pouch


Categories: celebrities handbags shopping


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