Reebok and world-renowned graphic, designer John Maeda present the second installment in their revolutionary collaboration: the Reebox x Maeda Emoretion. The second shoe is inspired by “Law 7 – Emotion” in Professor Maeda’s book The Laws of Simplicity. In it, he urges us to embrace our natural desire for personal meaning in everything we do. The shoe design is inspired by this motion intuition. Using Reebok’s iconic Freestyle as his canvas, Professor Maeda’s handwritten code decorates the shoe’s lining and creates the stunning digital paisley print, representing a burst of pure energy and emotion. Holographic straps bring this design to life with your every move, while the velvet-wraped mid-sole and tongue-liner take the shoe to a new level of elegance. Pulling everything together, the hot pink accents electrify this Reebok Freestyle.
100 pairs of this limited edition will go on sale at select retailers and March 31, 2008. When the first collaboration between Reebok and John Maeda debuted, the sneaker sold out in 14 hours. Now its your turn ladies…
More pics after the jump…
Categories: kicks