Limited Edition Madina Valentine’s Day Make-up Accessories

Limited Edition Madina Valentine’s Day Make-up Accessories

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 by Wendy Lam

Limited Edition Madina Valentines Day Make up Accessories
heart bracelet, about $35 | diamond ring, about $40

Madina is an Italian cosmetics brand that is quite popular in the Asian market, Japan and Hong Kong magazines feature this brand quite frequently. There are so many cosmetic brands out now that everyone’s gotta think of something unique to get consumers to try their products. Although using accessories to sell cosmetics is not new, its always fresh to see new designs and packaging, its best to have 2 in 1s…look pretty and cute at the same time. We all know Japanese gurls luvvvvvvv make-up, this Valentine’s Day, Madina is releasing three limited edition products, a heart bracelet, diamond ring and a keychain. I adore the diamond ring, its so cute and best of all its convenient. I’m not sure where it can be purchased but I do want the diamond ring, most likely I can get someone to get it for me in HK haha. More pics after the jump…

Limited Edition Madina Valentines Day Make up Accessories
keychain, about $30

Limited Edition Madina Valentines Day Make up Accessories
close up of the diamond ring, soooo cute!!

Photography: ??? & Alan Cheung/Next


Categories: beauty jewelry/accessories


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