Nike Air Woven Footscape 360 – Year of the Pig

Nike Air Woven Footscape 360 – Year of the Pig

Monday, January 29, 2007 by Wendy Lam

Nike Air Woven Footscape 360   Year of the Pig

I’m looking forward to Chinese New Year, the year of the pig is just a few weeks from now and I’m ready to collect some red envelopes haha. In celebration of this pig year, Nike released a very pink Footscape 360 for the ladies and some men that luv rockin’ ladies kickz haha. I’m not sure how I feel about them, I like pink and all but I will need to make my judgements when I see these in person. But one thing I know for sure is these will be damn comfy, give some luv down below hehe. What do you guys think? It’s a bit too pink yeah? via ISS & Juebankongjian


Categories: kicks


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