Oh, this is brutal to poor Nicole Richie! Why do paparrazzis like to take and print the worst photos of celebrities in their magazines? Is it because we luv to see the ‘real-side’ of the celebrities? Or is it because they hate their job so much they need to take it out on the celebs…haha! I think I would hate my job if I gotta follow the stars like a ‘dog’ everyday. But hey gotta luv the papz, if not we won’t be seeing no candid photos of our favorite stars!
I think Miss Richie lacks vitamins that’s why she’s breaking out, it’s all the ‘dieting’, but I don’t mind being that skinny! Yes, I think I’m pretty sick myself haha…I still luv her legs despite what you guys think!! Damn, what makeup can do!! But gotta cut her some slack, at least she aint one of those stars that gotta get all glammed up even at the BEACH haha…I pity those that do…
Categories: celebrities