Rabeanco ‘Birkin’ Bag
A lot of people would luv to own designer handbags, the “IT” bags of the moment. But in reality not everyone can afford it, there’s nothing wrong with that. In this post you will find some “alternatives” to your favorite designer handbags. Hopefully it can help satisfy the “craving” for now!
The Rabeanco ‘Birkin’ Bag (above), is a look-a-like of the Hermès Birkin Bag (below). It kinda reminds me of the Juicy Couture Bags too, whatcha think?
Hermès Birkin Bag
More look-a-likes after the jump…
The ‘Muse’ Bag – I absolutely adore the YSL Muse Bag and I definitely want to own one. The Rabeanco bag & Bulga Leather Shoulder Bag is similar but doesn’t have the unique features as the original. But I may just settle for the Bulga haha, it’s 1/2 the price of the YSL…
Rabeanco ‘Muse’ Bag
detailed look
YSL Muse Bag
The ‘Ascot’ Tote – an imitiation of the Chloe Ascot Tote.
Rabeanco ‘Ascot’ Tote
detailed look
The ‘Betty’ Satchel – imitiation of the Chloe Betty Satchel.
Rabeanco ‘Betty’ Satchel
The ‘Paddington’ Bag – imitation of the Chloe Paddington Bag.
Koji ‘Paddington’ Bag
The ‘Cabat’ Bag – imitiation of Bottega Veneta Cabat Bag.
Saint Jack ‘Cabat’ Bag
detailed look
Bottega Veneta Cabat Bag
The ‘Pleaty’ Bag – imitation of the Louis Vuitton Pleaty Denim Bag.
Fion ‘Pleaty’ Bag
detailed look
Louis Vuitton Pleaty Denim Bag
The ‘Anitgua Cabas’ – imitiation of the Louis Vuitton Antigua Cabas PM Bag.
Arnold Palmer ‘Antigua Cabas PM’ Bag
detailed look
Categories: handbags