“URANIUM is the international brand devoted to the newest and innovative interative clothes. Since the confidence provided by our position as world experts in electronic clothing, we offer you our unique high technology collections.
You can personalize them with multitude of downloadable pictures, messages or animations that can be changed depending on your state of mind.
URANIUM denim clothes are alive. They flash and transmit emotions. If you wear an URANIUM garment you will feel the real sensation of turning into a bionicle being.”
My main concern is, how do you wash it? I’m thinking there’s a slot inside or somewhere hidden you can remove the flashing lights. The world is moving towards technology but should our clothes be high tech too? I wonder what’s next…
More interactive clothing after the jump…
A few of their garments at their Paris Showroom, 02.28.2006
For more products & info, visit URANIUM Jeans
Categories: denim