NO SALES TAX IN NYC 2006 – UNDER $110 For Clothing & Footwear

NO SALES TAX IN NYC 2006 – UNDER $110 For Clothing & Footwear

Sunday, April 2, 2006 by Wendy Lam

April 1, 2006 – April Fool’s Day
it was such a good day!

There is no sales tax imposed on the purchase of clothing and footwear valued under $110. The New York State tax rate of 4.375% (including the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District rate) was repealed effective April 1, 2006, and the New York City tax rate of 4% was eliminated effective September 1, 2005.

I went shopping on Saturday and when the cashier rang up my item, I was wondering why there wasn’t any cents…it was an event amount. So I looked at my receipt and realized there was no tax…I just assumed that it was no tax week! But today I finally asked a sales at Footlocker, “When does no tax end?” He was like, “It’s forever, been taken off yesterday.” I was so happy! Trust me I’ll save a lot not paying for clothing/footwear taxes!

This is how it goes (correct me if I’m wrong):
Clothing & Footwear UNDER $110 – NO Tax
Clothing & Footwear OVER $110 – 8.375% Tax
Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry – 8.375% Tax


Categories: shopping


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